Category Archives: Team-Building

When You Need Motivation!

Every dental assistant knows that the working day can get long; worse yet, the working week…or month.   Patients keep the day interesting and it is always rewarding when you they bring cookies and candy; however, you probably have those moments when things are becoming a little too routine.  Instead of becoming annoyed or even dissatisfied with your job, get motivated!

Dental assistants really are the driving force behind the office culture.  I have witnessed situations of which the dentist isn’t very friendly or the office manager is too stressed, but the assistants keep the atmosphere light and fun.  Whether you are the business assistant, the lead assistant or a team member, you can improve the mood of your dental office through motivational and fun activities.  If you are not sure where to begin or how to get started, try this:

  • Discuss with your team about creating fun activities to help everyone get through the week with a positive attitude.   Let them know that you just want to have a good time while being productive and that you are sure the patients will enjoy seeing everyone happier.
  • Decide to take turns on sharing and implementing a fun activity every week or month.  Everyone involved should have a chance to incorporate their ideas, besides, if one person does it all the time others will complain.
  • Talk about ideas that get others excited and avoid anything too expensive.  For instance, if you agree to Friday lunch at a
    local Mexican restaurant, wear something small and festive all week, on Friday, go all out!
  • Suggest a contest with a desirable reward, like a “pamper the assistant” coupon, which is good for the winner to ask favors of everyone for one day.  Make sure that you do enough of these to go around!
  • Once you have a few ideas put together, organize your project by posting a calendar for everyone to sign up or a theme jar to hold ideas, once a week an assistant will draw out an idea or theme for the week.
  • Have fun!  Do not let this activity create an avenue for conflict; it is meant to encourage the team and incorporate a little
    silliness as well!
  • Be smart!  If your office has an extremely busy week and an activity will just add to the stress; then delay the fun by a
    week.  Productivity is most important, you don’t want the activity to be a distracter or the fun might be discontinued!
  • Be smarter!  Use these ideas to motivate the team.  If productivity is slacking in a certain area, create a friendly contest to boost team motivation.  If chances are given to everyone, this can prove as a very effective way to create better habits among team members.

As a dental assistant, you know that your days are often busy and go by fairly quick; however, a quick and fun day is even better!  Talk to your team about this idea soon, especially if there is conflict brooding. Coming together as a team in a creative way does wonders for the culture and atmosphere of your dental office, stifling disagreements with each experience!


Filed under Team-Building