Category Archives: Networking

Chicago Midwinter Meeting


Another year has passed and so has the ever popular Chicago Midwinter Meeting, hosted by the Chicago Dental Society. Dental professionals from different spectrums come together in a fantastic setting to learn, educate, purchase and distribute new dental products and philosophies.

With over 300 vendors, time really does fly when you are on the “floor” gathering new information and of course the “freebies” to take home with you! The Chicago Midwinter meeting isn’t just for exploring new products, but also is also a great opportunity for networking! Usually, the same individuals who represent the various companies are returning from previous years; if you walk around enough, you will see familiar faces. A simple conversation with another professional can open doors to many opportunities! The CDS also hosts many continuing education courses of which dental offices will attend for their annual training; another great way to network! Nearly 57,000+ professionals attend each year for all kinds of reasons; what did you enjoy the most?


Filed under Networking